11+ years of Software Development. Toolkits and technologies:

  • Programming languages: C/C++, Go, Objective–C, Swift, Dart, Python;
  • Architecture Patterns: Redux, MVVM, BLoC, Riverpod, Provider…;
  • Database: MySQL, MongoDB, Postgres, hive, Redis;
  • Technologies: WebRTC, GRPC, Microservices …;
  • Development tools: Xcode, VSCode, CocoaPods, Fastlane, GN, cmake, gyp, bash, Docker, Kubernetes…;
  • Source control: Git;
  • Issue tracking systems: Redmine, JIRA;
  • Operating System: Windows, macOS, Linux;
  • Setting up continuous integration systems (Jenkins, Bamboo, macOS Server, Gitlab/GitHub CI/CD);
  • Other: Data structures, algorithmization and optimizations;